Thursday, October 7, 2010

Chapter 7: Constructing Meaning, During-reading strategies

I think we've all found ourselves in a situation where we read something and it just doesn't make sense! While most of us will reread the section that we don't understand, some of us skip past it and try to move on. But when skipping our reading, we're not learning. In chapter 7, I thought Beers came up with a few great strategies to "unstick" yourself when you get stuck reading.
My favorite of these strategies started on page 106. In Say Something I think it's great to pair students up to start reading and have them talk about the text while they read it. Not only will this strategy help the students make inferences, but I also think it will bring out different perspectives on the reading. Another idea I had for this was to have the whole class involved. We could read outloud together (one person at a time) and go up and down rows with the next person saying something about our text. The teacher could start to get things going.
Another one of my favorites was the ABC's of comparing and contrasting. I loved how the student would use different colors or writing untensils to compare different characters. I do better when I have different colors to help me tell the difference between things, and for visual learners this would be a great strategy to use. Plus, as Beers says, its a great stepping stone to writing a paper about comparing and contrasting the characters.

1 comment:

  1. I also like Say Something - I think it is a good alternative to teacher led discussions.
